Come Fast my “CSS & JS”

Technical Updates

Come Fast my “CSS & JS”

Come Fast my “CSS & JS”

A slow loading web page wastes the precious time of so many visitors. The loading speed of a website depends on several factors, of which loading CSS & JS files…
Javascript Fun !

Javascript Fun !

Write javascript using symbols only, like (_ $ [ ] { } + -). But the code length will be huge for small script. eg : The following code will…
Memcache – PHP data caching method

Memcache – PHP data caching method

Memcache modules are used to cache any type of data in memory to reduce the repetitive database load time. Memcache and client tools installation steps 1) Install memcache and client…
Zurb launches Foundation 5

Zurb launches Foundation 5

Zurb launches Foundation 5 for front-end devs with 3 key features: fast, faster, and fastest High-end site builder Zurb is launching the fifth iteration of its popular Foundation framework for front-end web…
Mysql count with conditions

Mysql count with conditions

A simple tip on mysql query for multiple counts with conditions. SELECT COUNT( * ) AS totalUsers, SUM( xu.state = "QLD" ) AS queenslandUsers FROM xxx_users AS xu
Why businesses need a blog?

Why businesses need a blog?

Blog is a Web page that serves as an online personal journal with a collection of content typically focuses on a particular type of content or technology.
“Key” for Secure Data Transmission

“Key” for Secure Data Transmission

"Secure" the most used word in communication world.  Most of our Private Office Instant Messenger enterprise customer’s prime question "Is Our chat messages are encrypted ?". Let’s see the methods available in cryptography…