Introduction to Web Notifications API


Introduction to Web Notifications API

Introduction to Web Notifications API

The Web Notifications API is "an API for front-end user notifications". A notification allows the user to see alerts outside the context of a web page of an occurrence such as delivery of mail, user login, chat notification, process complete etc. The notifications will be in different style on different browser and based on the device we use. In mobile we usually see the notification in notification bar.
Manage Dependency with Composer

Manage Dependency with Composer

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the dependent libraries for your project needs. It will install them in your project for you.
Asynchronous Programming : Site Speedup Techniques

Asynchronous Programming : Site Speedup Techniques

Asynchronous programming allows developers to write faster code by running multiple parallel tasks at the same time. This contrasts with the traditional synchronous programming on which programs perform a task and do nothing else besides waiting for the task to finish before proceeding to the next task.
HipHop Virtual Machine(HHVM) for PHP

HipHop Virtual Machine(HHVM) for PHP

HHVM is the execution engine for PHP developed by facebook and opensourced in early 2010. It is termed as HipHop for PHP. It increases web page generation by factors of up to 9 over Zend PHP. This engine compile PHP source into a high level bytecode(intermediate language). Bytecode is then translated into x64 machine code dynamically at the run time using Just-in-time(JIT) compiler.
Why All PHP Frameworks Suck?

Why All PHP Frameworks Suck?

Recently, Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of PHP, stated in a PHP frameworks conference that all PHP frameworks suck. He also answered several interesting questions about the present and future solutions in PHP 7 or beyond. Read this article to learn more about Rasmus said and the what it means for the way you develop PHP now and in the future.